Community Good Grants Program


Community Good grants provide funding to charitable organizations for new or ongoing programs and projects that meet a broad range of local needs. Funding requests are accepted once each year according to our grant cycle. Funding requirements may change from year to year. Grantseekers are advised to revisit this page prior to beginning the grant application process. Grants are made possible by Community Good Unrestricted Funds and Field of Interest Funds which support a wide variety of needs in Vanderburgh County.

Apply Now

The 2025 application is closed.

Program Summary

Grant Cycle

Community Good Grant proposals are accepted on an annual cycle, which begins in January of each year. The requirements and instructions provided on this page are to be considered current and accurate only for the duration of the Community Foundation’s grant cycle, which runs from  January through May of each year.


The Community Foundation welcomes funding requests from nonprofit organizations that are deemed tax-exempt under sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and from governmental agencies serving the county. Funding requests from nonprofit organizations not classified as a 501(c)(3) public charity may be considered provided the project is charitable and supports a community need. In some cases, organizations without the 501(c)(3) designation may be required to obtain a fiscal sponsor.

Orientation Meeting

New prospective grant applicants are invited to attend the virtual Grant Application Orientation Session on January 27, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

You can also schedule a meeting with the Regional Director of Community Engagement and Impact to receive an overview of the funding opportunity and to ask specific questions.

Fiscal Sponsor

Non-charitable organizations applying for a grant under the auspices of a verified 501(c)(3) public charity acting as a fiscal sponsor are required to provide a written statement signed by the fiscal sponsor’s board president confirming agreement to receive grant monies if awarded and to oversee the proposed program/project.

Program Areas Considered For Funding

  • Arts and Culture
  • Community Development
  • Education
  • Health and Mental Health
  • Human Services
  • Other Civic Endeavors (Environment, Recreation, and Youth Development)
Program Areas

Program Areas NOT Considered For Funding

  • Religious organizations for religious purposes
  • Political parties or campaigns
  • Endowment creation or debt reduction
  • Operating costs not directly related to the program/project
  • Capital campaigns
  • Annual appeals or membership contributions
  • Travel requests for groups or individuals such as bands, sports teams, or classes
  • Scholarships or other grants to individuals


All grant proposals are reviewed by a committee consisting of County Advisory Board members and community volunteers. The Grant Committee's funding recommendations are presented to the Community Foundation Alliance Board of Directors for approval. 

Award Announcement

All organizations that have submitted grant applications will be notified of the outcome of the grants committee’s recommendations in writing no later than May 1.

Supporting Documents

The following supporting documents must be electronically attached to the grant application.  All supporting documents should be in PDF format.

  • Current board roster with professional affiliations
  • Organization’s current annual operating budget (showing both expected income and expenses)
  • Most recent financial statement ( Include a Statement of Financial Position/Balance Sheet and a Statement of Activities/Income and Expense Summary)
  • Fiscal sponsor agreement letter, if applicable

Reporting Procedures

A final report upon project completion may be required by organizations whose applications are approved for funding. Instructions will be provided at the time the grant is awarded through the grant agreement.

Application Access Code

Use this code to access the application

through your user account:


Start your application today!

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